Consisting of Mark Kulmala (from Mountain of Wolves) on guitar and voice and Paul Meadows (from Uisca Beatha, The Beauties) on voice and fiddle, My Father’s Son brings us evocative, paired down songs.
They have released their first album, “Heart of Wood” and are currently working on their next album. The album’s themes of fleeting innocence, love’s lost and found, determination, and the simple beauty of the landscape are sure to resonate with listeners.
It should be a great night of music.
Saturday October 13, 2018
Doors Open 7pm
Music at 7:30pm
All Ages
Only 5 more days until our Sat July 21 concert. So time to get to know our next artist.
If you are looking for someone genuine and willing to share their life stories then Piper Hayes is that person. She and her partner, Carson Ritcey-Thorpe are the kind of people that share their love of life through the music. Yet they don’t shy away from the hard times and express themselves in such an honest way, the audience feels like they really get to know them through their music. Piper is a strong advocate for mental health hoping to dispel the stigma around it. Piper has formerly released 3 other EPs that have more of a pop feel to them. This newest release, “Piper & Carson” is a reflection of where Piper and Carson are as a couple in life and song-writing. It has more of a folk feel. Check out their latest video, “Big Red”. This is what Piper calls Carson and she wrote this song about him.
We have a week to go until our Sat July 21 concert. So we’ll talk a little bit more about our artists. We’ll go in a different order this time to change it up. So first up will be Jessica Pearson and the East Wind.
Jessica Pearson on guitar, Maddy O’Regan on fiddle and Pat Bigelow on stand-up bass with all of them on vocals are “Jessica Pearson and the East Wind”. They are an up-and-coming band who live in the Ottawa area. They blend folk, roots and Celtic and their own magic to produce their sound. Their debut EP, “Grave and Garden Songs” was released in 2017 and they are now working towards another album release for 2019. Their shows are lively and fun; everyone has a good time. And we know everyone loves harmonies (especially Desboro) so you’ll all be happy to know we’ll get to hear some beautiful harmonies. Check out their latest video below “Cleaning up My Mess”.
If there is one thing all our bands have in common, it is their love of storytelling. JPEW will entertain you with their stories and get your toes tapping with their music. So come on out on Sat July 21 for a night of storytelling and music.
This was the very first show we fully scheduled for 2018 because as soon as Over the Moon said yes, we knew who would be the perfect opener for them, Doris Folkens. Her music is filled with nostalgia and a sweetness and playfulness that perfectly complements Over the Moon’s songs which are also filled with stories and a feeling of nostalgia. Her songs each tell a story, many from her own history. They reflect where she comes from and were told to her by her mom who were told the stories from her mother. Setting the stories to songs is Doris’ way of preserving them. She won Folk Music Ontario’s “Songs from the Heart – Humorous” in 2017 for her song, “Lonesome in the Grave”, which is actually based on a story from a friend. There is a story behind each and every one one of her songs. Her first album, self titled, comes out, right on our concert date, June 1 so you’ll be one of the first to get your hands on it. Check out the video and then come see her live on Friday June 1.
Friday June 1, 2018
All Ages
Doors Open 7pm
Music starts at 7:30pm
The Kelly Song Collective is made up of brothers, Joe and John Kelly. They were born in Toronto. They got into music later in life and then John moved up near Sudbury for a job. So how did they become a band? One of them suggested they do a “Song-a-Week” where they took turns putting up a video of a song they wrote and eventually they formed a band. Then they created an album, “Unless and Until” with assorted friends playing on it including Chris Coole on banjo (who will be here with The Lonesome Ace Stringband in September for a show). They both wrote the songs. As a side note, John was the winner of the Canadian Songwriting Competition 2018 Lyrics Category for his song, “Four Colours”.
But how do they arrange to play together when one is in Sudbury and one is in Toronto? It’s a delicate act of balancing family time with jobs and gigs. A challenge we understand well. Desboro Music Hall is our little venture to share our passion for music with our home community and at times it’s been like juggling: trying to balance our day jobs, our kids, our social occasions, the hall and the commute (Phil and Josephine living 2 1/2 hours away). As a side note, it’s a wonderful experience and a pleasure to be contributing to Desboro and the music community in this way. We are so thankful for the support of our ticket holders and those encouraging us forward. I imagine the Kelly Song Collective runs up against many of these same problems but their passion for their music and their desire to share their musical talent spurs them on. It will be our treat to hear them and encourage them on in their venture.
Here is the song that John won his Canadian Songwriting Competition Award.
Saturday May 12, 2018
Doors Open at 7pm, Music at 7:30pm
All Ages
We have actually never met the Redhill Valleys except through their music. And it is their music which captured our interest. Each song finds it’s notes from various roots; a bit of country, a bit of folk, some soul and Americana and a touch of rock all meld together with beautiful harmonies to create their sound. Guitarist Danielle Beaudin, bassist Chelsea McWilliams and drummer/guitarist Tim Allard each take a turn at lead vocals, which keep their songs interesting and varied.
They released their first album, self titled in April 2016 and we’re so proud to have them join us in Desboro. We have been looking forward to this concert. Keep your eye on them. They’re a talented group and they’re going to be big but you’ll be able to say you heard them first at Desboro Music Hall. Get your tickets now.
*Advance tickets are only available up to the Box Office hours the weekend before the show or we run out (Note: there is a limit of 25 advance price tickets)
So the first time I met Ben Kunder, he was playing “Mayor” in a little musical I was working on called “Seussical”. Everything about that show was great…from the people to the whole production. I haven’t seen him since. But now, fast forward several, several years (marriages and kids) and we have a Music Hall and Ben Kunder is coming to perform! He’s one of those multi-talented people who is an actor, singer-songwriter, musician and carpenter.
He’s lived across this country from a little solar powered cabin in BC to Charlottetown, P.E.I and now he’s back in his hometown of Toronto. His music reflects his experiences. For those who don’t know his music, you’ve been missing out on some great ole Canadian folk music. A person could spend a whole afternoon just listening to his Golden album which was released in 2015. His single, “Half Moon” hit the #2 spot on CBC Music’s Top 50 of 2015. He’s been on a tour across Canada on VIA Rail in 2015 to promote his album. Then he and his good friend, Sarah MacDougall went on a European tour together in 2016.
This year, he’s been busy in the studio working on another album while in his regular life, he and his partner just had their second child. It’s already been a stellar year for him so far. We’re lucky he’s able to get away to come up to Desboro for a double bill with Sarah MacDougall and local favourite opener, Rob Elder, to treat us to a concert. Check out the video to hear one of his songs and then come out on June 17 to hear more.
Tickets: Advance: $20 ($17.70 +HST), Regular: $25 ($22.12 +HST)
*Advance tickets are only available up to the Box Office hours the weekend before the show or we run out (Note: there is a limit of 25 advance price tickets)
So how did they start playing together? Well, there’s a story…
James and Anne were selected to record a track for a compilation album called Classical Ukulele for release in Japan. “If it weren’t for that recording project,” confides Anne, “I don’t think we ever would have started playing together. It just wouldn’t have occurred to us.” Often the most obvious thing is the thing that’s most easily overlooked. “We chose Schubert’s Ave Maria and arranged it for ukulele and cello. We recorded it in a tiny practise cubicle at the university!” The result? “Absolutely brilliant” (The Folk Diary).
Together, the two of them have created an unexpected duo with ukulele and cello, two instruments not normally found playing together. They have created a very unique sound within the music industry. They craft touching, intricate music and in the next moment rock out. Their concerts keep you engaged and left wanting more.
It’s true: opposites attract. James grew up playing folk, jazz and blues on his ukulele while Anne was exclusively a classical cellist. But the pair’s differences quickly became their biggest asset. The uke is high, the cello is low; the uke plays short notes, the cello long bow strokes; the uke is all about strumming while the cello radiates melody. Like shadows and light in an old photograph, these contrasts are complementary. “We’re like a pair of dancers who can’t step on each other’s feet,” jokes James.
The best thing to do is to just listen to their music. You won’t want to miss this concert after that.
Check out their Events Page for their bios, videos and links.
Friday May 19, 2017
All Ages
Doors Open: 7pm, Music Starts: 7:30pm
*Advanced tickets are only available up to the Box Office hours the weekend before the show or we run out (Note: there is a limit of 25 advance price tickets)
Desboro Music Hall 2017 Concert Series
Get your tickets now and we’ll see you at the Hall.
Anne is a classically trained cellist who got her Masters in cello performance at the University of Ottawa. She has performed with such artists as Kanye West, Bruce Cockburn and Holly Cole. She is also a songwriter and just like James, defies genre definitions. But she incorporates her cello beautifully into all her music.
Now some of you may have heard the name Anne Davison and be confused by Anne Janelle. “Anne Davison” was the name Anne first played under and the name on True Love Don’t Weep. So why the name change? Well, I have heard (and we can ask them if it’s true) that when they started collaborating for their next duo album, they had such strong, individual tunes that they decided to make two individual solo albums instead (with each other co-producing, co-writing and co-playing on the others’ CD). And to distinguish this phase in her career, Anne changed her name.
She has just come out with a new album, which she made while pregnant! Here is a little video she made to try and raise some money for it. You can hear some of the songs from her new album, I Didn’t Want to Break It in the video. And also hear a little bit about the process of making the album.
Next in our little series, we’ll meet James and Anne together and then hear a little more about our opener, Brontae Hunter.
Check out their Events Page for their bios, videos and links.
Friday May 19
All Ages
Doors Open: 7pm, Music Starts: 7:30pm
Our next musicians, James Hill and Anne Janelle, are not only partners in life and in music they were first solo artists in their own right. So we thought we would feature them individually before showing you what they can do together. Their music is hard to put into a box as they both like to push the boundaries of genres. Prolific in creating their solo albums, an album together, a family and touring; these two seem to have endless energy. Between the two of them, they have created at least 9 albums including the Canadian Folk Music Award winning True Love Don’t Weep, which was their first collaborated album. Sit back and enjoy getting to know them both.
James Hill
James Hill and ukulele go together like peanut butter and jam or macaroni and cheese (at least to us North Americans). Now how did a boy from Langley, BC get into the ukulele? Through the wonderful institution of school, of course. (This is one of those stories that people point to when they say, “Don’t cut arts funding in schools!”) A boy first introduced to the ukulele at eight ends up becoming “possibly the best ukulele player in the world” (Waikato Times) andall because his school had mandatory ukulele instruction. During his youth, he played with the Langley Ukulele Ensemble before embarking on a solo career. He has toured internationally and is played on CBC and has even been called “the Wayne Gretzky of ukulele” by Stewart McLean from Vinyl Cafe on CBC. Over the years, he has put out quite a few solo albums and is not only an amazing ukulele player, but also a song writer. He shows us what a ukulele is capable of (things we didn’t even know were possible!). He is always pushing out and so his music is always fresh and full of surprises.
So if you are a ukulele fan, this is the concert to come see.
Next, we’ll meet up with Anne Janelle, James’ wife and musical partner and then see how they became a pair.
Check out their Events Page for their bios, videos and links.