This was the very first show we fully scheduled for 2018 because as soon as Over the Moon said yes, we knew who would be the perfect opener for them, Doris Folkens. Her music is filled with nostalgia and a sweetness and playfulness that perfectly complements Over the Moon’s songs which are also filled with stories and a feeling of nostalgia. Her songs each tell a story, many from her own history. They reflect where she comes from and were told to her by her mom who were told the stories from her mother. Setting the stories to songs is Doris’ way of preserving them. She won Folk Music Ontario’s “Songs from the Heart – Humorous” in 2017 for her song, “Lonesome in the Grave”, which is actually based on a story from a friend. There is a story behind each and every one one of her songs. Her first album, self titled, comes out, right on our concert date, June 1 so you’ll be one of the first to get your hands on it. Check out the video and then come see her live on Friday June 1.
Friday June 1, 2018
All Ages
Doors Open 7pm
Music starts at 7:30pm