We’ve updated the website a little:
- We’ve added a “Videos” page. This page has videos of past performances. So you can check out an old favourite or find some new music to like. And if you do like it, come out to a live concert. Watching a video is just not the same as experiencing the music live and the moments that can happen between musician and audience. You’ll find the link to the Videos page in the top right hand menu or use this link: https://desboromusichall.com/videos/. Enjoy!
- We’ve made it easier to find tickets on our website. It is its own link in the top right hand menu.
- We’ve added a ticket button on the right side footer. SO you can buy tickets from any page. At this moment, you can get Season Passes or gift certificates.
Please let us know what else we can do to make navigating through our website easier. Thanks!